



Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin – Dokumentarfilm von Arwen CUrry

in Originalfassung – mit englischem Untertitel

Samstag, 14. September, 21:00
AJZ Bielefeld, Heeperstraße 132

Bei gutem Wetter wird der Film openair im Innenhof gezeigt.
Bei schlechtem Wetter weichen wir auf’s Kino aus. Das ist allerdings leider nicht barrierefrei!
Es wird Snacks und yummie Solipopcorn gegen Spende geben! Das Geld soll den Antirepressionstopf auffüllen.

Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin is a feature documentary exploring the remarkable life and legacy of the late feminist author Ursula K. Le Guin. Best known for groundbreaking science fiction and fantasy works such as A Wizard of Earthsea, The Left Hand of Darkness, and The Dispossessed, Le Guin defiantly held her ground on the margin of “respectable” literature until the sheer excellence of her work, at long last, forced the mainstream to embrace fantastic literature. Her fascinating story has never before been captured on film.
Produced with Le Guin’s participation over the course of a decade, Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin is a journey through the writer’s career and her worlds, both real and fantastic. Viewers will join the writer on an intimate journey of self-discovery as she comes into her own as a major feminist author, opening new doors for the imagination and inspiring generations of women and other marginalized writers along the way. The film features stunning animation and reflections by literary luminaries including Margaret Atwood, Neil Gaiman, David Mitchell, Michael Chabon, and more.


Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqH3nqXqlgs

Lieben Dank an die AG FreieBildung der Universität Bielefeld – die uns die Finanzierung des Films ermöglicht hat!